Optimize Your Slide Presentations for Virtual Media Networks

If you’ve ever wished that you could expand the life expectancy of a presentationSlideshare logo that you went through hours making, fortunately by utilizing web-based media you can safeguard that all your presentations will have a day to day existence past their initial audience.

In the “olden” days you would almost certainly furnish a duplicate of the introduction with an official statement to the news media and leave freebees at the rear of the room summing up your vital directives for members of crowd to take with them. Now you can download them as part of your virtual presentation so people can easily access them for reference.

That was at that point. This is now.

The rules still apply in making and conveying a presentation: have a clear objective, focus on one theme, incorporate two-to-three key messages with supporting evidence, and then sum up your central issues with a call to action.

But there is another vital initial step before you even start preparing your presentation. You need to ask yourself: “Are my target audience searching for my messages, or keywords, on the web? In the event that I need my introduction to be found via web-based media networks and SlideShare, have I conducted a keyword search to learn the catchphrases that my targets are really looking for?”

If there is a disconnect, your presentation literally doesn’t exist. You won’t come up in searches. Clearly, that isn’t what you want to happen.

Conducting Keyword Research

So how would you advance your introduction with searchable keywords? Shockingly, the most solid and free instrument was the Google Keyword Tool that Google dropped. They replaced it with Keyword Planner but that is more geared to creating an ad campaign.

There are two free keyword tools that you can use, which also have paid premium versions.

Wordtracker – When you enter your keywords, Wordtracker will return the number of searches and competition for those keywords. To learn more visit the Wordtracker blog.

SEMRush – SEMRush tracks Google and Bing results for the top 95+ million organic key words. You can learn more at SEM Features.

There are likewise different instruments like SEOSpy Glass that track your competitor’s keywords but that is probably more data than you need.

Optimizing and Advancing Your Presentation

Most likely you are working from a PowerPoint presentation. Once you’ve defined your key messages and keywords, insert them throughout your presentation.PowerPoint Logo Optimize the headings of each slide with keywords.

Some speakers sound silly when they do what’s called “keyword stuffing.” They repeat their keywords too often and not where they are appropriate. Always remember that quality written substance is King. Try not to forfeit quality in the quest for getting found at the top of the SERP (Web crawler Report Page).

Insert hyperlinks within your presentation to the sources you use for the statistics and evidence to support your key messages. These will help lure guests to your presentation in the event that they want more information.

Tips for advancing your presentation:

  • Post to SlideShare. You will need to open a free account if you don’t already have one. Post your presentation to SlideShare just before you present it. Then include a link in the last slide so that your audience members can visit SlideShare and download and embed your presentation in their websites and share it with their contacts.
  • Post to the host organization’s site. Ask the host organization where you are presenting to post the presentation on its site. Provide an accompanying summary.
  • Post to your social networks. Post a tweet on Twitter with a link to the presentation. Upload the presentation to your LinkedIn account (LinkedIn owns SlideShare). Post an update with a link to the post on Facebook, Pinterest and other networks.
  • Post to your website. Write a blog with a summary of the key messages and post the presentation on your company’s website.
  • Enlist advocates. Create a Twitter hashtag and ask the audience, business colleagues and members of your own organization to retweet, Like, and Share your presentation while you’re delivering it. Offer an incentive for the individual who posts the most tweets.
  • Continue posting content. Write brief updates with statistics, graphs and images from the presentation and continue to distribute them over the following couple of weeks to your social networks. Choose juicy nuggets of information that will get Liked, retweeted and shared.
  • Send it by email. Yes, we’re discussing online social media but don’t forget that email is still the basic tool of business communication. Send your presentation to your clients, prospects and other business connections that you feel would benefit by reading and sharing it.

Don’t Avoid the Essentials

Social media is a significant part in promoting your presentation and getting the attention you and your presentation deserve. But, don’t skip the essentials like rehearsing your presentations and your delivery.

Work with an outside trainer or coach in your organization. As you practice your presentation, get feedback about your key messages and keywords. Do they enhance your presentation or are they popping up in inappropriate places?

Social media is a game changer, no doubt. Just don’t let your anxiety about getting mentioned online spoil your presentation to a live audience who may be the exact people you want to reach.


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