How to Distinguish Yourself in a Panel Discussion

You’ve been invited to participate in a panel discussion. Congratulations! That automatically designates you as a subject matter expert. Serving as a panelist is good exposure for you and your company. The panel could pair you with other experts you’ve been angling to meet and will enhance your personal brand. Pre-Planning Some panelists just show

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Denise Restauri is a panel discussion moderator

What is the Role of the Moderator in a Panel Discussion?

All moderators should repeat this: “This is not about me. I am not the star.” If you’re a moderator, you need to take all thoughts about “you,” dump them in an imaginary box and toss the box. If you want to be the star, switch seats and be a panelist. You were asked to be

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
