Virtual Communications

Using Technology to Leverage Your Virtual Communications

We live and work in a virtual world now. By virtual communications we’re referring to meetings where people aren’t in the same room But being successful in the virtual world is quite different than it was when we gathered in person around a conference table for a meeting about the budget, had lunch with a

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No Point in Apologizing if You Can’t Admit You’re Wrong

Do you find it difficult to apologize when you’ve done something that hurts or offends someone? It isn’t easy to admit when you’re wrong. But you risk damaging your reputation and relationships if you don’t offer a sincere apology. Hillary Clinton learned this the hard way when the media and public didn’t buy that she

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Will Wearing Summer Business Casual Damage Your Image?

It’s hard to believe that spring is here and summer is just around the corner! As consultants who work in different corporations or agencies almost every day and we’ve noticed that many people have taken business casual to the extreme in the way they dress for work. What you wear can send out mixed messages.

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Visualize Yourself Going for the Gold in Your Next Presentation

In a post-Olympics story, The New York Times wrote about how elite athletes visualize a successful performance. They see themselves navigating the turns in a downhill race, and mentally visualize the course over and over. Skiers and skaters plan every jump, turn and landing. As one Olympian said, “You have to smell it. You have

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What Does it Mean to be “Presidential”?

At least a dozen Republican presidential hopefuls and several Democrats have jumped into the 2016 Presidential race. The election is many months away so candidates have a long time to prove that they’re Presidential material, and avoid damaging public gaffes. But what does it actually mean to be Presidential?

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What’s the Bottom Line on Your Charisma?

Back in July we asked Do You Have Charisma? Today, lists the “5 Qualities of Charismatic People” and wants you to discover how many you have. Denise Restauri starts her column by saying “Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have it. Their husbands also have it. The ‘it’ is charisma.”

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
