It’s OK to Have an Accent as Long as You’re Not Faking It

America is a melting pot of people from just about every country in the world. Most newcomers learn English when they get here and, if they’re already adults, will almost always speak with an accent. There is nothing wrong with having an accent. It’s important to articulate your words correctly, but an accent can actually

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Controlling the Q&A

How to Maintain Control of the Q&A Following a Presentation

You’ve just delivered a great presentation. Now it’s time for the Q&A and the first person to raise her hand asks: “Can you give me more details about this new technology?” and you’re left speechless. You don’t have the answer. Bring a Content Expert The Q&A following a presentation can be more important than the

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Virtual Communications

Using Technology to Leverage Your Virtual Communications

We live and work in a virtual world now. By virtual communications we’re referring to meetings where people aren’t in the same room But being successful in the virtual world is quite different than it was when we gathered in person around a conference table for a meeting about the budget, had lunch with a

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The Imposer Syndrome

Do You Lack Self-Confidence and Feel Like an Imposter?

We often meet with executives who want training because they feel they’re not polished presenters. Or, they don’t believe they’re skilled enough in media interviews. But after talking with them, we learn that what’s really going on is that they’re lacking in self-confidence. The Imposter Syndrome If you often feel like a fraud, then you’re

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Always interrupting

You Can’t be Listening if You’re Always Interrupting

Did you hear what I just said? It would be an interesting exercise if a speaker stopped in the middle of her presentation and asked a member of the audience to repeat what she said. Most likely she’d get a blank stare in return. That’s because most people aren’t listening. They are daydreaming or thinking

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

How to Succeed in Business by Overcoming Your Fear of Change

Our most fundamental need is to feel safe, after our physical needs are satisfied. That’s why so many business people are fearful during a bad economy – afraid of losing their jobs and of facing a future with a constantly changing landscape. Change is inevitable. No one needs convincing that the days of working at

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"Smile when you're presenting"

When You’re Smiling, the Whole World Smiles With You

The famous lyrics from the song “When You’re Smiling” were closely identified with iconic jazz singer and trumpeter Louis Armstrong, whose own smile lit up a room. You can learn a lot from that song about the power of smiling in your personal and business life. If you smile during a presentation, your audience will

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"Let stage fright be your friend"

Stage Fright Can be Your Best Friend

Sweaty palms. Heart palpitations. Knees knocking. We all know the signs of stage fright. And no matter how experienced you are at public speaking, stage fright happens to everyone. Instead of trying to ignore it, embrace it and get to know your own personal signs of stage fright. Accept anxiety as a positive sign that

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Power Words

Use “Power Words” in Presentations and Media Interviews

When speakers at a conference and commentators on television begin a sentence with “I think” or “I hope,” it detracts from their expertise. Those are not power words. Even well-known experts often start a sentence with tentative phrases. You aren’t invited to speak at a conference or appear on national television for what you think.

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
