
Can a Teleprompter Be Donald Trump’s Best Friend?

“I’ve always said, if you run for president, you shouldn’t be allowed to use teleprompters,” Donald Trump said to applause at a rally last October in Georgia. “Because you don’t even know if the guy’s smart.” He’s even accused Hillary Clinton of having “the biggest teleprompters I’ve ever seen.” Prompters are almost always presidential campaign

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What Does it Mean to be “Presidential”?

At least a dozen Republican presidential hopefuls and several Democrats have jumped into the 2016 Presidential race. The election is many months away so candidates have a long time to prove that they’re Presidential material, and avoid damaging public gaffes. But what does it actually mean to be Presidential?

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Crisis Communications

For Presidential Candidates, It’s Always Crisis Time

The Presidential horse race between President Obama and Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican contender, has already begun. As in recent years, the nominating conventions will simply be great big pep rallies. Visions of the late Mike Wallace and other reporters being pushed around the convention floor by unruly conventioneers are a distant memory. Now all

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